by Christopher James Vasseur

I’m listening to an inspiring story first hand. It’s a story of courage and determination. A crisscross tale of a tour across this huge country. Of performing every single night despite being dealt a very heavy diagnosis. Of keeping a shining attitude and a brilliant glow despite the hard journey. Being an inspiration.
It’s a tale that resonates with me and reminds me of another similar tale. Though, I don’t think Gord Downie would have said “my squat game is not strong.” Mind you, he was quite nimble.
Anyway, this is a line taken from one of Kathleen McGee's lovely YouTube videos. There's lots and I get stuck down the fabled YouTube vacuum, laughing my ass off the entire time. She is a seasoned powerhouse of a comedian and has had a pretty great career thus far despite a terrible recent diagnosis of stage 4 colon cancer.
She has a shining way about her and it's impossible not to immediately want to hang out with her. She comes across as a very fun and genuine person.
Her comedy is quite edgy and goes a bit dark, but with hilarious results. Her 2019 comedy record, Deliciously Vulgar has received nationwide acclaim and just adds to her impressive resume. I’m excited to see her perform and it’s cool to have a little chat with her before the show.
Originally from Edmonton, McGee brings her show to The Capitol this Saturday the 25th in Saskatoon. What drew me to this show initially wasn’t actually McGee but the opener she's bringing with her. One of my all time favourite punk bands, chixdiggit.
“Punk Rock and Comedy go together so well”, she states as I ask her about the connection.
What she is doing isn't really a tour but an actual bucket list (The Bucket List Tour is the name of the show) doing comedy related things that she has always wanted to do. Including touring with a punk band. And while the Saskatoon show is the only one on the calendar thus far, if it goes well it could travel a bit.
“I know Billy Dixon and he’s the bassist. I started comedy around the same time he started music. I pushed him to start a band, which he did.”
“He played a show with chixdiggit, and then ended up joining the band down the road”.
“He got to travel the world with them, I’ve been successful in comedy so we both got to live out our dreams.”
This show is the culmination of years of friendship, living out your dreams and a shit ton of inspiration and good vibes. It's going to be a fun party.
I am excited as hell to be covering this show for NSMZ (along with the super talented Tracy Creighton on the camera) and to be part of this great story. We’re lucky to have this Saskatoon, let's get out there and fill that place up this Saturday night.
As Kathleen says it best herself, “It’ll start with a bit of Comedy, then a rock show, then we're gonna party”.
There is also a go fund me for McGee here:
And details for the show are here: