by Andreea Moore
photo by Andreea Moore

Saskatoon's Amigos Cantina has been a well established and enjoyed venue in the Saskatchewan music scene for some time. Many people’s shadows, including my own, have passed through its doors over the years but there’s one regular patron, who stands out in the crowd, who most people may have met at one time or another. Despite having not entered the venue himself, Herb The Dwerb has been hanging around sharing his love, joy and pure heart with all those he meets.
Also known as Herbie, this particular patron is a domestic, short haired tabby and he's quickly become a staple of a night out for many at Amigos. Any time I’ve been outside the fine Mexican themed pub, eatery and live music venue smoking an encounter with the not so little guy occurs. Essentially, he’s famous. He has been featured on chalkboard art. He’s even got his own Instagram.
For the past two years that he has been doing his thing, Herb has become accustomed to his lifestyle of sleeping in late and going out at night. Not so surprisingly, due the proximity of his house to Amigos, he's always been into music and often goes to every show. He loves getting his pets and is seen to many as a shining light in their lives.
Herb’s human, Jules, who refers to herself as his "Mom", had no idea about the notoriety of her feline friend until it was brought to her attention by members of the Amigos Cantina staff. She didn’t know where he went and what he did at night. In fact, in the time that he has been frequenting the outside doors of the establishment, he has become so popular, such a fixture, that he allegedly has his own merch that can be purchased at Alt Haus.
Herb came into Jules' life during the pandemic. He was her loneliness cure, originally being just a cat visitor, but then later on deciding that his new life was with Jules. Herb is thought to have been placed in this world, both hers and in all those he meets, to bring joy.
According to those that know him, the best time to see Herb is around the end of a show or the end of the night. He is often waiting for new and old friends. So thus a night out to a show or a regular non show night wouldn't be complete without a trip outside to partake in a cigarette on top of encountering the most beautifully big boy who will often walk right up to you and flop over for belly rubs. His soft fur covered belly provides a most welcome greeting. This would describe the standard experience of meeting this famous feline.
This May, Herb will turn seven. He was four when he came into the life of Jules and the community at Amigos. It’s unknown at this time as to whether or not Amigos will host a “Herb Fest” but what is for sure is that Herb will be spreading joy to those all around for a long time to come.
According to Jules, the advice that Herb would give to those wanting follow his example of Zen would be, “Follow your heart, and listen to your parents while standing up for what you believe in”. Words to live by for sure. Have you seen Herb around? We'd love to hear your own personal stories!
