by Scott Roos
photos by Scott and Deanna Roos

These kids are alright! Classic rock students of the game, The Hourhand mix a sonic blend of riff rock bands like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Think Lizzy, Black Sabbath - basically name it and it's in their. Their youthful vim and vigor when they play live shows is palpable as they come out enthusiastically swinging with 110% swagger and confidence. They throw so much into a 45 min set that even the kitchen sink would be jealous. 2022 was indeed a banner year for this power trio as they played prestigious opening slots for Monster Truck, Big Wreck, and Bif Naked. It's been a classic "right place, right time" motif playing out for them right now. But it's earned and deserved. If their most recent single "Hellbent" is any indication there's more in store for The Hourhand as 2023 comes around the bend.